AMR Data Data Within Data Within Data
The cosmology simulation used to make the beautiful header image contains many Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) levels, many variables, and took a team of professionals many months to make look that good. Let's start a little simpler.
The problem with AMR is that Houdini likes nice, simple, uniform grids - but astrophysicists oftentimes don't. So, how do we render AMR data with Houdini? Here is the formula for Enzo, Athena, and FLASH (FITS coming soon). There are two main parts:
- Part One: External Scripting
- Part Two: In Houdini
Before starting this tutorial make sure you've installed pyopenvdb as discussed in the Install PyOpenVDB Tutorial and make sure all of your yt and pyopenvdb paths are in your PATH variable as discussed in both the Install PyOpenVDB Tutorial and the Getting Started page.
1.1 The Data
Begin by downloading the Enzo Tiny Cosmology sample dataset from here. Take note of the directory where this is being saved. Go there, and unzip the folder.

1.2 The Code

Download the Python script from our GitHub repository. Take note of the directory where this is being saved.
Open the file in a text editor. Search for the line that starts with datafilename =
. Write in the path to the data file you downloaded.
Search for the line that starts with outfilepath =
. Write in the path to the directory where you want to write the output VDB files.
First, source
your yt installation (which should include pyopenvdb if you completed the pre-requisite tutorials).
To run the code, open a terminal window. Navigate to the directory where you saved the file. Then write: python
This should only take a few seconds to run. It will write out three .vdb files to the location you specified with outfilepath
If you're impatient, or having trouble, you can download the resulting files directly, from here. Download the three "Enzo Tiny Cosmology VDB" files.

#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys
import pyopenvdb as vdb
import yt
### Modify these values to point to your own data on your own machine ###
dataFilePath = '/home/kalina/Downloads/enzo_tiny_cosmology/DD0010/DD0010'
outFileDir = '/fe2/amr/data/tutorial'
variable = 'Density'
isFlash = False
These are the editable parameters. Modify these values to work with other datasets and write out other variables. FLASH data works a tiny bit differently than Enzo and Athena, so you need to set "isFlash = True" if you are working with FLASH data.
Psst: If you don't know what variables are available in a dataset, after calling ds = yt.load()
in the next step, you can call ds.field_list
and ds.derived_field_list
to see all of your options.
# Load dataset
ds = yt.load(dataFilePath)
and/or print(ds.derived_field_list)
if you want a print out of what
variables are available to you.
# More advanced parameters here
minLevel = 0
maxLevel = ds.index.max_level
vsize0 = None
We will describe the purpose of vsize0 later on.
# Error checking: is this variable in the data?
if not [item for item in ds.field_list if item[1] == variable]:
print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: Invalid field name: ' + variable
# This is required to be able to write out ghost zones for FLASH data
if isFlash:
ds.periodicity = (True, True, True)
# Iterate through all levels
for level in range(minLevel, maxLevel+1):
# Select specific level of grids set from dataset
gs = ds.index.select_grids(level)
# Initiate OpenVDB FloatGrids
maskCube = vdb.FloatGrid()
dataCube = vdb.FloatGrid()
# Go over all grids in current level
for index in range(len(gs)):
subGrid = gs[index]
# Extract grid (without ghost zone) with specific varible
subGridVar = subGrid[variable]
# Extract grid (with ghost zone) with specific variable
subGridVarWithGZ = sub_grid_all.retrieve_ghost_zones(n_zones=1, fields=variable)[variable]
# Extract mask grid (eg. {[1 0 0 1],[0 1 0 1]...})
mask = subGrid.child_mask
# ijkout is the global x,y,z index in OpenVDB FloatGrid
ijkout = subGrid.get_global_startindex()
# Copy data from grid to OpenVDB FloatGrid starting from global x,y,z index in OpenVDB FloatGrid
# Calculate a reasonable voxel size
resolution = ds.domain_dimensions*ds.refine_by**level
vSize = 1 / float(resolution[0])
# Keep track of level 0 voxel size
if level==minLevel:
vSize0 = vSize
# Scale and translate
dataMatrix = [[vSize,0,0,0],[0,vSize,0,0],[0,0,vSize,0],[-vSize/2-vSize0,-vSize/2-vSize0,-vSize/2-vSize0,1]]
maskMatrix = [[vSize,0,0,0],[0,vSize,0,0],[0,0,vSize,0],[vSize/2-vSize0, vSize/2-vSize0, vSize/2-vSize0,1]]
dataCube.transform = vdb.createLinearTransform(dataMatrix)
maskCube.transform = vdb.createLinearTransform(maskMatrix)
First we translate the data by -vSize/2. This is to account for AMR data being cell-centered, whereas in Houdini it is vertex-centered. Then we subtract vSize0, the size of a level0 voxel, to adjust for the extra ghost zone voxel that isn't actually in the data. I.e., This makes it so that the origin (0,0,0) in Houdini goes through the center of data voxel at [0][0][0].
We translate the mask by +vSize/2, which is in the opposite direction. This is because the data has an extra ghost zone voxel, but the mask doesn't. So we need the data and the mask to be off by 1 voxel. Then we also shift this by vSize0, so the data and mask line up.
# Write out the generated VDB
output = [] = 'density' = 'mask'
outFilePath = '%s/%s_level%d.vdb' % (outFileDir, variable, level)
vdb.write(outFilePath, grids=output)
2.1 The Geometry
Now that you have created your VDB files, open up Houdini.

- Use the TAB menu in the network view window to create a Geometry node. (This is an advanced tutorial, so I assume you already know how to do this. If you don't, take a look at an introductory tutorial to learn the basic steps.)
- Click on the "geo1" text next to the geo1 node and rename the node to "geo0", since this will contain our level 0 VDB. This is an important step - if you do this, the rest of the default naming will fall into place correctly.

2.2 The Shader
Download the AMR shader Digital Asset from here.
Load the shader into your project:
- Navigate to File -> Import -> Houdini Digital Asset...
- Select the downloaded amr_shader.hdanc file, and clicking "Install and Create".
- You should now have a node called "amr_shader1" in your shop network. Click on the "amr_shader1" text next to the node and rename it to "amr_shader0".

Hover over image to zoom
This shader is based on the "Billowy Smoke" material, which you learned about in the More About Shaders tutorial. If you double-click on the node to step inside, the nodes that are in red are the ones relevant to AMR data.
Let's go over what they are doing.

"vdbpath" is the one parameter that we need to import and use in the shader.
"global2" and "transform2": We are taking the position and transforming it from current to world coordinates.
"volumepostoindexfile1" and "volumeindexfile1": We are using the position to get the index in the volume, and then using the index to look up the value of the mask (0 or 1). This may seem obtuse, but there is a reason we are not simply using the position to look up the value -- Mantra/Houdini automatically interpolates volumes to create a smooth falloff at the edges. In this case, we do not want that interpolation; we want a clean cut so that the AMR boxes fit perfectly within each other. So, by looking up the mask value by index rather than by position, we ensure that edges and corners do not fall off to zero, but remain constant through the entire voxel.
"multiply5": We are multiplying the data by 0 or 1 from the mask, to decide whether or not to display anything at that position. Then we pass this value to the rest of the shader.

Now, we set the data parameters:
VDB Path = The path to Density_level0.vdb, the same file that you pointed to in your Geometry File node.
Min Data Value = 0
Max Data Value = 7
If you are working with a different dataset, you can figure out a good min and max to use by using a Slice node, as described in this tutorial.
Step out of the shop network and back to the obj network.
Select your geo0 node, and go to the Render tab.
Under Material, assign the shader we just created at /shop/amr_shader0
Repeat this for geo1 and geo2 as well, typing in /shop/amr_shader1
and /shop/amr_shader2
respectively. We haven't created these yet, but we will, soon.

Return to the shop view.
Now that we have the beginnings of a shader assigned to an object, we should start being able to see something. Click on the "Render View" tab. Then click the "Render" button. You should see a black and white box of data.
Tip: If you don't see anything, place your mouse over the render view window and press the G key on your keyboard. This will frame the image so that you can see it.
Select your amr_shader0 node. Go to the Color tab and set the Color Field to density. We are using the same data field, density, to drive both the opacity and the color.
Since this data is self-luminescent, we want to give it a higher emission. Set Emission to 10.
The "Emission Color Ramp" area is where you color the data. Double-click on it to set a key and select a color for it. (Or, you could single-click to create a key first, and then double-click to change its color). Create a color map that you like. You should see that your render is updating to show these colors.

We have finished the shader for for a single level, level 0. Now we want to create the other two shaders, but we want to link the parameters to these values, so that we only have to make changes in one place. Right-click on the amr_shader0 node and navigate to Actions -> Create Reference Copy. This will create an referenced copy called "amr_shader1", which links each parameter to amr_shader0.
Select the amr_shader1 node. Right-click on the "VDB Path" field and select "Delete Channels". This will unlink this field from amr_shader0, and will allow you to edit the text. Update the path to point to your "Density_level1.vdb" path.
Make a copy of your new amr_shader1 node (CTRL+C and CTRL+V) to create a amr_shader2 node. Again, update the "VDB Path" to point to the correct vdb file, Density_level2.vdb.

Congratulations, you have rendered AMR data! To tweak the look of it, you can go back and modify the color, opacity, emission, or other shader variables. Apply these changes to amr_shader0, and they will be reflected across all three shaders.